Dr. Anita 托马斯。, president of 中北书院.


Dr. 安妮塔·托马斯被任命为立博在线体育162年历史上的第11任校长



安妮塔·托马斯博士.D., has been selected as the 11th president of 中北书院. She will assume her official role at the College on July 1, 2023.

A mission-driven leader, researcher, educator, and psychologist, Dr. 托马斯。, 55, is a champion of liberal arts and sciences education, 尤其是作为激发学生好奇心和公民参与的基础. Over a career spanning more than 25 years in higher education, 她在塑造战略愿景和支持学生智力生活发展方面有着丰富的经验.

托马斯是 u由立博在线体育董事会在全国范围内进行了长达数月的遴选,并与受托人进行了接触, 学生, 校友, 教师, 和工作人员. 她的任命具有历史意义. 托马斯是立博在线体育162年历史上的第一位女性和第一位有色人种校长. In addition to leading the College, 她将担任中北部艺术与科学学院的心理学教授.

“Dr. 托马斯是一位鼓舞人心的领导者,他的价值观与立博在线体育的使命一致,即培养学生成为好奇和参与社区的公民和领导者,” said Board Chair Holly Humphrey, MD ’79. “她对高等教育前景有着敏锐的感知,并准备利用她在学术界的丰富经验, and as a national thought leader, to move this institution forward. On behalf of the Board of 受托人, I am thrilled to welcome Dr. 托马斯。 to the North Central community.” 

North Central’s mission resonates deeply with 托马斯。. “有机会成为这所非凡学府的一员,真的是一种巨大的喜悦和荣誉,”她说。. “立博在线体育正在与教师合作,为立博在线体育的下一代领导人做准备, 学生, 工作人员, 董事会, 校友, and the Naperville community—I am honored, 谦卑地准备好带领学院进入其传奇历史的下一个阶段.”

自2019年以来,托马斯一直担任执行副校长兼教务长 在圣. 圣凯瑟琳大学. 保罗,明尼苏达州., one of the largest private women’s universities in the country. In her role as chief academic officer, 她为大学的学术项目提供战略领导. 在她的成就中, 她带头实施了该机构的学术总体规划, 包括计划启动跨文化参与和社会正义办公室,以提高文化流畅性和全球意识. In addition to academic affairs, 托马斯。 has been responsible for student affairs and career development.

As a higher education leader, 托马斯以对学生成长和发展的深刻承诺为指导. “Education has the ability to empower individuals to gain skills, 加强人才, and develop meaningful careers,”她说。. “它也有能力培养批判意识和全球意识, 以及对不平等制度的理解以及创造变革的必要性.”

在抵达圣. 凯瑟琳, 托马斯是印第安纳波利斯大学应用行为科学学院的创始院长, where she provided oversight for academic programs in psychology, 社会工作, 心理健康咨询, 艺术疗法. 比如立博在线体育, 印第安纳波利斯大学隶属于联合卫理公会(UMC)。.

托马斯。 served for 10 years at Loyola University Chicago, 她是心理咨询和学校心理咨询系的教员. 她还成为咨询心理学的研究生项目主任,后来成为教育学院负责学术事务和研究的副院长. In 2010, 她获得了洛约拉多样性和多元文化事务办公室颁发的年度杰出教师奖. 在洛约拉之前, 托马斯是东北伊利诺伊大学辅导员教育的副教授和系主任.

他是肯塔基州路易斯维尔的本地人., 托马斯成长在一个教育工作者的家庭,他们在K-12和高等教育环境中服务,并强调教育改变个人的力量, 家庭和社区. 她拥有芝加哥洛约拉大学咨询心理学博士学位, specializing in family therapy and multicultural counseling. She earned a master’s degree in community counseling from Loyola. 她在西北大学获得教育和社会政策学士学位.

托马斯因其在非裔美国人家庭社会化方面的学识和领导力而闻名全国, stereotypical roles of African American women and girls, 以及儿童批判意识和适应能力的发展, 青少年和家庭. 在圣. 凯瑟琳, 她的使命是建立一个包容的女性学习社区, lead and be empowered to work for social justice.

“大学校园是解决多样性和公平问题的最佳场所, 一个“统一多样性”的地方,’”她说。. “As educators and lifelong learners, 立博在线体育有机会鼓励不同的声音和领导力,这将增强校园,并为学生在大学毕业后的发展树立榜样, bringing about more diverse perspectives around the table.”

托马斯和她的孩子们, 本杰明和宝芬妮, 17岁的双胞胎, will move to Naperville in the summer of 2023. 在周二的一个特别活动中,她和她的家人被介绍给了立博在线体育校园社区, 3月21日, at the College’s Wentz Concert Hall. The event was livestreamed and is now available on the 学院的YouTube频道.

2022年6月. 特洛伊D. 哈蒙德在掌管学院10年后宣布离职. Dr. 多娜米. Carroll was appointed interim president in July 2022. 8月, 校长遴选委员会开始在全国范围内寻找学院的下一任校长.

中北部受托人博士. 凯西·伯, chair of the Presidential 搜索 Committee, said: “This is an exciting moment in the College’s history. I am immensely proud of the 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 以及在学院遴选委员会和更广泛的校园社区任职的受托人代表,因为他们在整个过程中表现出高度的参与度和专业精神. Dr. 托马斯。 has a strong and authentic connection to the College’s mission. She distinguished herself through her impressive record of leadership, commitment to the student experience, and as an advocate for 教师 excellence.”

除了博士. 伯基特担任主席embers of the 中北书院 Presidential 搜索 Committee were: Andrea Beck ’97, 受托人; Dr. 马拉Berkland, professor of communication and coordinator of Middle Eastern and North African Studies; Erin Bishop ’93, 受托人; Pauline Bogdan ’24, president of the student governing association; Dr. 杰西卡·布朗, vice president for student affairs and athletics; Ashley Chubirka M’11, director of first year admission; Jon DeSouza ’98, 受托人; Dr. 大卫·格雷, chair and professor of the department of accounting; Kris Hartner, 受托人; InSun Ho ’81, 受托人; Mike Hudson, vice president of operations; Ray Kinney H’10, 受托人; Tracie Morris ’02, 受托人; Lisa Pettaway ’94, M’00, director of leadership annual giving; Dr. 莎拉目前, chair and professor of the department of physical therapy and founding director of the doctor of physical therapy program; Ali Setork, 受托人; Dr. 詹妮弗·史密斯, chair and associate professor of the department of English and director of the writing center; and Lee Woolley ’85, 受托人. 迈克Naset, 受托人, James Godo, 93年, 负责沟通和战略计划的副总裁兼总裁特别助理, served as ex-officio members of the committee, 和Kimberly Salzbrunn, executive assistant to the president and 董事会 of 受托人s, 支持委员会.

For more information or to read 托马斯。’ bio, visit our web page on the new president.

Kelly Murphy, Director of Communication and PR

kkmurphy@noctrl.edu | 630-637-5306